RUNNING FROM 6/11/24 - 27/11/24


KT13 8JD

Join us for an empowering course where you’ll receive all the information you need to navigate the many choices you’ll be faced in your pregnancy and birth.

This course not only teaches you tools for birth but tools for life and includes extensive antenatal education as well as hypnobirth techniques. I passionately believe that with the right preparation and understanding of how physiological birth works undisturbed you can have the most empowering and positive birth.

This is a 4 week course running from Wednesday 6th November - Wednesday 27th November from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. You will be provided with all course materials and access to downloadable meditation tracks to use for practice and during birth.

See below for more details on what the course entails.

Week 1

  • The picture of childbirth today

  • Defining hypnosis

  • Acknowledging pain

  • The physiology of birth and the impact of fear

  • Understanding your mind and it’s connection with your body

  • The impact of others

  • Taking charge of your thoughts

 Week 2

  • Relaxation – the antidote to fear

  • What is relaxation?

  • Distractions

  • Breath work

  • Self hypnosis

  • Eyes open hypnosis

  • Time distortion

  • Anchoring

  • Birth partner’s script

  • Practising what you’ve learnt

 Week 3

  • Prenatal bonding

  • Your baby’s ideal position for birth

  • Physical preparations for birth

  • Biomechanics for birth

  • Birth planning/preferences

  • Medical interventions discussed

  • Fear release

 Week 4

  • Soothing strokes and the power of positive birth

  • Positions for birth

  • Ligaments and pelvis

  • Humming your baby down – birthing your baby

  • Birthing partner’s role

  • Using the techniques for labour and birth

  • When baby arrives

  • Feeding

  • Postnatal planning

  • Sea of Serenity – birth hypnosis session

  • Your practice and preparation diary

birth education and hypnobirthing

I teach The Wise Hippo Birth Programme. This not only teaches you tools for birth but tools for life and includes extensive antenatal education as well as hypnobirth techniques. I passionately believe that with the right preparation and understanding of how physiological birth works undisturbed you can have the most wonderful, beautiful and positive birth. I have watched first hand how much these techniques and preparation can help you to achieve a positive birth experience.

Hypnobirthing provides 2 key things, it:
- Reduces fear by educating couples about physiological birth and how it works uninterrupted.

- Reduces tension by promoting relaxation, thus reducing pain.

By the time we finish the 4 week course you will have a full understanding of birth and how your body works. You’ll be empowered to make choices that work for you and your birth partner will understand how to advocate the choices for you.


1-1 course in your own home £450

Refresher course 1-1, 1x 3 hour session £150 or 2x 2 hour sessions £225.

Group course £275

"We both found so much of the course useful. Especially the positive thinking and education around biomechanics and positions throughout labour. Learning that we can have a say in any interventions was a big part for us. I feel more empowered to call the shots in the birth of our baby now, which is invaluable! We now understand a lot more around the science behind birth, and applying logic to the process will help to be in sync with baby during his arrival. We’ve also both found a lot of the MP3s very relaxing and will definitely be using them on the day!"

“We can’t recommend Alex enough! She helped us with a Hypnobirthing course which not only gave me the knowledge and confidence to stick to my birth plans, but also helped my husband as well! After a not so great birth experience with our first child, Alex immediately put our previous fears and concerns at ease, and enabled us to have a positive birth story! I feel like we’ve made a friend for life and someone who will always be an important part of our sons birth story!”

“What a lovely, amazing, knowledgeable and kind person Alex is! She helped us through so many challenges and went above and beyond to support us every step of the way.

We originally had a hypnobirthing course which lasted over 4 weeks, as first time parents this training was incredibly helpful in breaking down what will happen in labour and how to prepare for a natural birth. We found Alex’s calm down to earth approach amazing, and it was night and day better than the NCT classes we had. She did not push an agenda or a specific ideal but just provided the facts and her experience in different child birth scenarios. We felt so prepared and at ease after this, it was such a difference to the fear and anxiety we had going into it!

Unfortunately due to ICP and complica+ons we made the decision to induce early at 37 weeks, and even though Alex was not officially our doula she checked in on us throughout, providing guidance on how to handle the uncertainty and linked us to research studies and documents. This all made us feel in control and prepared going into the hospital.

Post birth we struggled with feeding as our baby had a tongue tie and Alex took the time out of her day to come over, helping us with latching and feeding positions but most importantly just having her here to be that grounding calm influence I don’t think we can ever thank her enough for.

4 weeks later she’s still just on the end of the phone or text when we have questions and need help. What an amazing person, I can’t think of many people that would genuinely care this much about the families she helps.

Thank you Alex for everything! You’ve been a great friend to us at and we appreciate it all so much.”