Hi, I’m Alex Schirn.

I live in Surrey with my husband Dave and our 3 children. Henry is 12, Florence is 10 and Louis is 4. Giving birth to Henry was one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever been through. When I was pregnant with Florence I genuinely looked forward to giving birth again it was such a positive experience for me. Both births were very different and I realised that being in control was the main thing that made my first birth so powerful. When I was pregnant for the third time I wanted to make sure I had that control again and feel empowered in my birth.

As a child my mum worked as an antenatal teacher, every week I’d see groups of couples come to my house and then I’d always be around when they came to celebrate once their babies had arrived. I was born at home and the story of my birth was something my mum loved to tell! This meant I grew up knowing that birth was not something to be feared, it was a normal, natural occurrence. This lack of fear is something so powerful and something I hope to provide to the couples I work with.

I believe in birth and the ability we have to give birth, it’s what we were made to do!