Supporting you through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

How I can support you.

As a doula my role is to support, listen and empower you through your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. I provide evidence based information to help you make informed choices. I am non-judgemental and will not give you my opinion or tell you what to do! My aim is that through working with me you feel held, supported and nurtured.

I cover Surrey, Berkshire and South London and support birth in all settings. I have supported at home birth, hospital birth, midwife led units, planned abdominal birth, VBACs and induction.

Services i offer

Birth Support

I support families through pregnancy, helping to educate and empower you to make the choices that work for you and helping to create a birth plan to help support these choices. During birth I am there to ensure the birth space is calm, safe and protected. Supporting both the birthing person and birth partners helping to advocate for your choices. I am also trained in biomechanics for birth and so can help with techniques to support a physiological birth if baby’s positioning is affecting birth. 

I support all birth and have worked with families in all settings. These include home birth, midwife lead unit, hospital, VBAC, caesarean birth & induction.

Postnatal support

Postnatally I support families during the precious 4th trimester. Having a baby can be a time when lots of friends and family like to offer ‘helpful’ advice, having someone who is impartial and non-judgemental can mean you’re getting evidence based information as well as the support and experience of a professional. I offer a postnatal planning session before you have your baby to ensure you’ve planned for your postpartum time and have things in place to help achieve the things most important to you. Rest is so important in the early weeks after giving birth, there’s so many ways I can help make sure you get the rest you need. Some of these ways are, cooking meals and preparing healthy snacks, taking baby for a walk so you can rest, have a bath, sleep (or whatever you need), light household chores.  I also offer feeding support, be that breast or bottle.

Hypnobirth courses

Hypnobirth & birth education using The Wise Hippo programme. This course teaches you not only skills for birth but skills for life as well as educating you on how physiological birth works and what you can do to support it. You can read more about hypnobirthing with my prices feedback & birth stories from previous clients here and find out more information on The Wise Hippo here. 

Night support

I offer night support to help during your postnatal period. I offer a range of options from overnight support 8pm - 6am or a few hours in the evening during those tricky witching hours.

key interests

Biomechanics for Birth.

I have trained with Shellie Poulter to better understand how techniques and positions can help with labour dystocia and supporting physiological birth. More information can be found here.

Pregnancy after loss.

I have completed a research project around pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period after previous baby loss. I feel passionately that families need so much more understanding and support around this and the additional emotions and needs involved. Read my blog post here

Breastfeeding & tongue tie. Having fed 3 babies, 2 of which had very severe tongue ties I feel passionate about supporting and educating families in breastfeeding and tongue tie issues as well as the additional issues this can sometimes cause such as reflux. I am a trained breastfeeding peer supporter and have a good relationship with local specialists who I can signpost you to if more help is needed.

The Pregnancy Space

I run monthly pregnancy relaxation evenings for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy. These are a chance to take some time to relax, focus on your baby and have a safe space to talk through anything you may need to with other pregnant women.  We start with time to talk, drink tea and connect. We’ll then focus on a different top each week around pregnancy or birth and then we end with a guided relaxation.

The MAMA Space

Once your baby has arrived The Mama Space is a morning once a month where we come together to chat through normal newborn behaviour, self care, there’s an activity for the babies and relaxation for you. Plus a chance to meet other new mums and of course, eat cake!


  • Everyone needs an Alex

    Alex was my doula for birth, and looked after us during our postnatal period as well. I honestly don’t know where to start with how wonderful she is, there’s just so much to say! I hope I don’t exceed the word limit haha!

    This was my third baby but came with so many firsts that Alex helped me to navigate (first in the UK, first unmedicated, first physiological, first homebirth!)

    I had the most magical birth at home, and I honestly don’t know if I’d have been able to do it without Alex’s help. My husband and I did the Wise Hippo Birthing Programme with her to prepare, and we used everything we learned during labour. The one moment that I almost lost faith that I could do it, Alex spoke quiet calm words of reassurance and encouragement and I was back in the zone. She got the most beautiful video of me receiving my baby into my arms in the pool (I cry every time I watch it), and she just somehow knew where she needed to be and what I needed the whole time.

    Alex makes tasty snacks and yummy, nourishing postpartum meals, and when we unexpectedly had to move house at 7 weeks postpartum she even came and helped me unpack (and somehow did like 5 loads of laundry!)

    I honestly believe that everyone needs a doula, and if you’re lucky enough then you’ll have this one.

  • Doula superstar!

    I booked Alex to be my Doula for my second pregnancy and birth. After a traumatic first birth, it was really important to me to have someone who could fiercely advocate for me and keep me feeling safe and calm.

    That’s exactly what Alex did and SO much more.

    Alex is friendly, kind, caring and calm. She is super knowledgable and just makes you feel like you are in safe hands. She is excellent at conversing with medical professionals and is able to advocate in any given situation.

    Alex went the extra mile with me in being by my side discussing with consultants regarding my wish of having a vbac and being in the right birth space for me. The support she showed both me and my partner throughout was unwavering, and she never once doubted my ability to achieve my dream birth. She empowered and enabled me to have the best and safest birth I could have had. The support she gave my partner in theatre was what I need to feel reassured he was okay.

    Alex was amazing; she instinctively knew exactly what I needed, whether it be massage, a hand to squeeze or someone to lean on. I was so grateful that she was there and I felt safe and held in her presence. Alex had great resources and advice on hand whenever we needed them and her tips in early labour helped to get my baby in an optimal position.

    My partner was also glad to have her with us. She really helped him to be a brilliant birth partner and cheerleader. The two of them together made an amazing birth team!!

    She never once faltered and she was 100% supportive the whole time. Thank you Alex for everything.

  • Such a positive, reassuring support throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond!

    We are so glad we decided to seek the support of a doula for our second birth and so lucky we found one as lovely as Alex!

    I had a lot of anxiety about giving birth again after a complicated experience first time around but very quickly Alex helped me build the confidence to trust in the birth process and my own abilities. She was the one who suggested we have a home birth which transformed our experience completely! We ended up having a beautiful (very quick!) birth at home in the pool just like we hoped for. Alex was there holding my hand providing the reassurance I needed.

    Alex was clearly invested in our experience from the start and throughout the pregnancy - always checking in after midwife appointments and answering any questions we had. She provided lots of practical support like books to read, relevant podcasts to listen to, birth planning together with us as well as making a plan for the postnatal period too.

    I especially appreciated her knowledge and expertise on biomechanics for birth - she came over when I was 41 weeks (and very frustrated!) to do some hypnobirthing relaxation and physical exercises to improve baby’s positioning along with her rebozo scarf and lo and behold baby arrived the next day!

    Alex has a brilliant ‘bag of tricks’ which she brings to each birth with everything you would ever need for labour. This took the pressure off us when preparing for birth (which is more difficult when there is a toddler to think about too!) She also acted as a fantastic support for my partner - both in the preparation and on D day when he was rushing to get everything ready and the birth pool filled up!

    We had to go into hospital to have some extra checks after our birth and Alex came with us to help support the handover to hospital staff. We were so glad she was there - such a reassuring, knowledgeable presence and making it a much more positive experience, putting music on and chatting, continuing to advocate for us when dealing with medical staff.

    Alex came to visit after baby was born and has given us postnatal support and advice. She still checks in to see how we are getting on 8 weeks later which we really appreciate. Thank you Alex for everything you have done for us!

  • Amazing Alex

    What a lovely, amazing, knowledgeable and kind person Alex is! She helped us through so many challenges and went above and beyond to support us every step of the way.

    We originally had a hypnobirthing course which lasted over 4 weeks, as first time parents this training was incredibly helpful in breaking down what will happen in labour and how to prepare for a natural birth. We found Alex’s calm down to earth approach amazing, and it was night and day better than the nct classes we had. She did not push an agenda or a specific ideal but just provided the facts and her experience in different child birth scenarios. We felt so prepared and at ease after this, it was such a difference to the fear and anxiety we had going into it!

    Unfortunately due to ICP and complications we made the decision to induce early at 37 weeks, and even though Alex was not officially our doula she checked in on us throughout, providing guidance on how to handle the uncertainty and linked us to research studies and documents. This all made us feel in control and prepared going into the hospital.

    Post birth we struggled with feeding as our baby had a tongue tie and Alex took the time out of her day to come over, helping us with latching and feeding positions but most importantly just having her here to be that grounding calm influence I don’t think we can ever thank her enough for.

    4 weeks later she’s still just on the end of the phone or text when we have questions and need help. What an amazing person, I can’t think of many people that would genuinely care this much about the families she helps.

    Thank you Alex for everything! You’ve been a great friend to us at and we appreciate it all so much.

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